Polestar 4 Set Debut On 18th April - The Fastest Car By The Company!

Polestar 4 Set Debut On 18th April - The Fastest Car By The Company!
IMAGE: Polestar.com

Written by Kitai | LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube

Polestar (Nasdaq: $PSNY) will unveil their newest vehicle, Polestar 4, at the Shanghai auto show on April 18th 2023. Furthermore, Polestar reported that the 4 will be its fastest production model to date, certainly an exciting prospect.

Polestar has completely revamped the traditional SUV coupé through their newest automobile - the Polestar 4. Combining aerodynamics with the roominess of an SUV, it showcases the latest advancements in technology, creating a truly unique driving experience.

Today, an image that teased the new car was revealed. It presented a view of the hood and headlight from above, with the Polestar badge on display. However, no other details have been released yet.

IMAGE: Polestar 4

It appears that the new car will take design inspiration from Polestar's few but exquisite concept cars, like the Precept and O2, now known as the Polestar 6.

The stunning designs and sustainability features first seen on Polestar's concept cars are set to make their debut in the all-new electric coupé SUV - the Polestar 4. It will also be the fastest car ever created by Polestar.

“Polestar 4 is not simply a modified version of our first SUV. Instead, we reconsidered the entire design to create a new breed of SUV coupé,” says Thomas Ingenlath, Polestar CEO.

Those who visit the Shanghai auto show can come across stands 6B07 in Hall 6.2, where Polestar will showcase several of its models; from the Polestar 4 to the recently freshened up Polestar 2, making its debut in China.

The Polestar 4 is known as a Premium Sport SUV, compared to the Polestar 3 debut, this all seems rushed. There is a contrast difference as the P3 SUV was teased and the announcement was built up over many months of careful deliberation.

Thomas Ingenlath, CEO of Polestar, has stated that the 4 is not simply a bigger take on the 2. His team have thoroughly re-evaluated their design process in order to create an entirely new type of SUV coupe. The 3 is going to be a full-size model being released in 2024 and will be preceded by the 5 coupe as well as the 6 two-seater convertible.

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